Wednesday, October 24, 2007

the "pumpkin patch"

we waited to go get our pumpkins until jessica came home. so on monday, after a big family dinner, we all headed out to pick out our pumpkins. the past several years dave and i have gone to basically this house that sits on 8 mile. the front yard has pumpkins spread out all over and they have all those blow up halloween decorations. so it's not really a pumpkin patch, but it's also not picking a pumpkin out of a box at meijer either. i'm not sure how happy the employees would be at meijer is i stuck both of my kids in the box filled with pumpkins for some photographs.
so anyway. they didn't have super big pumpkins so we got the biggest one we could find hoping that we'll be able to shove talan in it for a few pictures once we have it all scooped out. hey, hayden had to do it, now it's talan's turn.
hayden, once again, was terrible about getting his picture taken. he was too busy running from dancing decoration to spinning bats inside a globe decoration to giant blow up pumpkin decorations. i did manage to get a couple though. at one point he just said "but i'm tired of getting my picture taken." you think he'd be used to it by now.
the carving will commence on monday evening. so expect to see pictures shortly after that. for now, here's pictures of the great pumpkin patch on 8 mile.

hayden refused to sit next to them:
at least i have one that will cooperate with the camera:

look! actually a picture with hayden in it:
rainah and talan:
talan looks like he has the vampire hair going on in this picture:
they both pretty much have the same look on their face:

hayden just wanted to play with all the decorations. something we have to do whenever we go to target. he has to push EVERY button in the halloween isle:
this was the best i got:

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