Wednesday, June 25, 2008

a nite in paradise

justin and the rest of the band are staying with mom and dad this week so a bunch of us decided to go out to paradise park to have some go-karting, laser tag, arcade fun.
just like last year, hayden LOVED the go-karts and the trampoline. he was practicing doing flips and by the end he was doing some amazing ones! he also got to play laser tag for his very first time and seemed to really like that. he ended up with a score of 680! not too bad for his first time, playing with a bunch of adults, and really not knowing what to do.
we then all spent a lot of time in the arcade which hayden also loved. everyone was super kind and gave hayden all of their tickets so he was able to get a telescope, and a bunch of candy (surprise!).
justin wanted to show cone zone off to the band but unfortunately we had such a great time at paradise park that we didn't leave until almost 11 and cone zone was closed. so they all settled for some ice cream at mom's house.
everyone had a great time and hayden is already asking to go back.

talan came with us too, but was contained all evening by mom. thanks mom!!!:

anxiously waiting for their turn:

dave and hayden, hoping they'll win:
go-kartin' fun:

jessica is closing in on justin:

jessica, justin, hayden and dave waiting for dawn, phee and ken to finish putt-putt:
hayden's flips were amazing:

laser tag fun:

just like his mama:
dawn playing deal or no deal with mom, jessica and ken helping her out with the tough decisions:

arcade fun:
because of his love for numbers, hayden has always loved watching "the number game" on tv. he ended up getting 23 tickets from this game...a pretty good deal:

hayden was really good at this:

phee discovered the game of the evening:
justin needs to try it out:
dave's turn:
wow ken, that's a lot of tickets:
502 tickets!!!:

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