Friday, July 4, 2008

nite two--4th of july fireworks

our lovely friend kelly invited us over to her new house on the 4th of july for a block party and some good 'ol fashioned neighborhood fireworks. since you can't really see them legally anywhere else, this is what ya gots ta do.
we went over to mom and dad's for a bbq earlier in the evening and then, naturally, played a game of catan. around 8ish...maybe even 8:30, we finally left for kelly's house.
we got there and hayden immediately wanted to ride on allison's scooter. he LOVED it and has been asking me for one ever since. so i'm sure i'll be looking into those in the next week.
we weren't there too long before the neighbors pulled out all of their fireworks. it was amazing. these people spent over $1500 on fireworks. i'd never do it, but hey, i'll sit there and enjoy all that money you spent.
this time talan was not contained in his stroller and he wanted to wander around. eventually allison held him and he became quite content in her arms. she seemed to love him and he loved her. and she informed us that very soon she will be an official babysitter. yeah!
we always love hanging out with kelly, allison, and dustin when he's there....and we hope to do it more often this summer!
thanks for having us over, guys!

the scooter that he couldn't get enough of:

looking up dave and hayden's noses:
talan couldn't stop cuddling with dave's head. when his hat was off, talan would constantly rub his head and then he'd just lay his head on dave's:
notice the string of drool from his mouth to dave's ear:
allison and talan, i'd kill for that tan:
happy 4th of july!:

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