Tuesday, July 29, 2008

the tuxes are in

after months of debating which tuxes to buy the boys for jessica's wedding and then weeks of trying to figure out what sizes to buy, the tuxes finally arrived yesterday.
it's pretty tough finding chocolate brown tuxes, especially for little boys. but thanks to ebay, we found them! we ended up paying about $30 less for BOTH tuxes than we would have paid for ONE tux if we had rented them. hopefully they'll be a good match to the guys rented tuxes.
now i have to find shoes that will work with the tuxes. because of little 'ol fat foot talan, i don't know that i'll be able to put them in the converse that i had planned on. but we shall see.
this morning i made the boys try the suits on to make sure everything was ok. hayden was less than thrilled as he just wanted to sit in his comfy clothes and watch cartoons. i did finally threaten him enough that he tried it on and even let me get a few pictures.
they seem to fit the boys really well and the only thing that will need fixing is talan's pants. i'm hoping mom will be able to hem them a bit and then it will be prefect. and hopefully hayden won't grow in the next month as his pants are RIGHT THERE.
the tuxes came with a brown tie, but thankfully, gram c. is saving the day and is going to sew the boys ties in the material of the bridesmaids dresses.
we're getting pretty excited for the wedding and everything seems to really be coming together. only 32 more days!
here's a sneak peak:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Make with the lolla picks already.
C'mon!! (Gob Bluth style)