Friday, July 18, 2008

opening week

it's been a weird summer here in michigan. we had some warm days, but then a cool front came through where there were some evening's it was actually cold (for summer that is).
when it wasn't too cold, it was raining. if it wasn't cold or raining, we were busy. we haven't been able to break the pool out until this week!
i saw that we were going to be in the 90's this week and we didn't have too many plans, so on tuesday i set up the pools (the big one for hayden and a small one for talan) and we were out there for the past 3 days.
talan didn't really want to get in his pool even though it had less water in it then the bathtub that he just LOVES. but he did enjoy running around the yard and occassionaly splashing in the pool.
hayden was excited to get into a pool and practice his swimming. he's gotten pretty good at swimming under water now, but we're still working on floating on his back.
the pools have been put away and the rain is coming in, but i'm now nice and tan which is all i really wanted.

he's been doing great swimming under water:

but has not mastered floating on his back yet:
"i dived!" which often times sounds like he's saying "i died!":

he once made it almost all the way to the top:
doin' laps:
this is about all he wanted to do in the pool...and he didn't even do very much of this:
talan loves to push stuff:
sharing is caring:
a duck?! i LOVE ducks!!!:
he's a bathing suit runway model:
he ran through the sprinkler about 4 times, but the pool is way better:

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