Friday, February 16, 2007

excuse me, coming through

so there is one thing i'm remembering about being pregnant from last time as each day passes. public restrooms. and how they aren't made for a pregnant chick. many people that know me know i try as hard as possible not to use public bathrooms to begin with. and while i'm still not like a lot of pregnant woman that have to pee every hour, i usually have to go at least once or twice while at work. see, public restroom stall doors open inward. so when you're in the stall and you want to get out you have little to no room between the toilet, the door and your big fat belly. the maneuvers you must make in order to squeeze yourself out of that tiny hole must be captured on videotape and posted for all to enjoy. i'm changing the name on the handicap stall to the stork stall. if yer not knocked up....ya better not be using it.
along the same lines are stores and restaurants that put things too close together. you might not think about it unless you have a stroller or are as big as a submarine, but when one of those things quickly notice. after having hayden i couldn't believe how close together stores put their racks of clothes. and not just adult stores. i'm talking BABY STORES. they are expecting mother's to come in and shop with their babies in strollers, right?! i guess they feel they need to put them up like cones to try to prevent major stroller crashes.
yesterday i went into panera bread for lunch. their french onion soup and mediterranean veggie sandwich are a delicious treat. anyway. at the back of the restaurant they had all these 2 person tables set up in about 3 rows. i made my way to the back corner (back against the wall, of course) and sat down. while eating, someone decided to sit in the row in front of me. and all i could think of in the world am i going to get out of here now?! my belly is going to clear their table off before they're even done eating. i somehow managed to get myself out bumping a few chairs only a handful of times. i don't think anyone was knocked upside the head by my stomach.
it's all pregnancy discrimination i tell ya.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes...I concur...having been there as many times as I have, I completely agree...that and they need more family stalls...I love the ones that have a place to sit and buckle your toddler so they don't touch everything in the bathroom, hand sanitizer, etc...they need more of those...just wait until you're bringing multiple munchkins into a bathroom stall at a gas station!!! YUCK! I had to when I was traveling to New England in September...yikes...a baby in the bjorn, and two in hand...insanity...once you've done that, you can do ANYTHING! :]