Wednesday, February 14, 2007

i'm not one for the attention, but it's cold outside

within the past few years more and more places have put up "stork parking" for all those pregnant chicks that tend to waddle when the walk. stork parking is basically a step below the coveted handicap parking, but you don't even need a sticker on your car. i first saw it last time around at babies r us. i let pride get in my way and didn't really utilize it. this time around i'm playing that card. i have now seen stork parking at the doctor's office and even at laurel park mall. i don't necessarily want people looking at me getting out of my car and having them think "oh that poor girl. she can hardly walk." but if that's what it takes to get a front row parking spot on a day when it's -10, i can live with it. do i have issues walking? no. do i feel i can't walk an extra few steps to make it into the mall where i'm just going to walk around anyway? no. but do i feel guilty about taking that spot away from another pregnant chick who just might have a tougher time getting around then me? no. there are no requirements posted on that sign. it simply says "stork parking" or "expectant mother parking" so i'm gonna take it. even if i was 2 months along and not even showing, in this cold weather, i'd take that spot.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, I had NO problem using those spaces! It SUCKS being pregnant and when I actually felt up to going out or if I HAD to go out for some reason, it was nice to know I'd have a parking spot!