Tuesday, April 10, 2007

sure am glad i didn't actually unpack my bags

so i have to apologize to talan. on easter sunday, april 8th, i wrote a complaint blog about how this kid was never going to come and how frustrated i was. i have since realized he was being quite considerate and only allowing for all of my plans to happen. i was able to eat a real easter dinner and see blades of glory as planned. in fact, we have to give some credit to will ferrell and jon heder and the rest of the cast as it is possible the laughter helped put me into labor.
we went to a 5:15 show and then headed back to my mom and dad's house for round 2 of easter dessert. awhile later we headed home. hayden watched a show and i wrote a blog complaining about how nothing was happening. when the show was over, dave headed off to put hayden to bed. he called his parents to wish them a happy easter and explained my situation about how i would have to be induced if i didn't go into labor by tuesday. i was watching the amazing race on tivo. it was just before 10pm when i started to feel a contraction, one with a little bit of pain, nothing major. but it was one of the first real contractions i'd had since saturday morning. all of a sudden i felt a pop and i just yelled out "OUCH." dave was in the other room and ignored me thinking the cat had just bitten me. i was sitting there thinking my water had broken and was kind of waiting for the flood to happen. dave realized it wasn't the cat and i made my way to the bathroom. there seemed to be some fluid but nothing major. so then i just said "what am i supposed to do?" it didn't really seem like my water broke and i wasn't really feeling contractions. i decided i should call my mom to basically give her a heads up that she might need to get over to our place soon. i called and said "i think something might have happened" to which mom replied in a panicked voice "what happened?! WHAT HAPPENED?!" she yelled at me to call the dr. and call her right back. i put a call into the answering service and as i was waiting for the dr. to call me back i started to feel some contractions. i told dave to call my mom and tell her she should get over to our house. this time realizing, unlike the last time, that i didn't have time to wait around once i felt contractions.
the dr. called me back and when she heard that hayden was born in about 2 hours she said "PLEASE get over here right now." my mom got to the house pretty quickly and we loaded up the car and got in as the contractions were getting worse. dave was busy text messaging the world letting them know we were on the way to the hospital while my pain was getting worse and worse. we got to the hospital and i was rolled through the emergency room with this extra-large security guard yelling out the whole way "she's ready to go. this baby is coming" and EVERYONE in the emergency waiting room was just watching me. at one point, when i didn't have a contraction, i almost just started doing the miss america wave. but then another contraction took over.
so i get up to the triage area and they were waiting for me. the on-call dr. let them all know that i was on my way in and that i needed to be checked right away. i'm guessing that it was a little before 11pm at this point and when they checked me i was a 5. so i look at the intern and say "a 5?! that's ALL?!" and she just says "a 5 is A LOT. most people come in at a 2." they asked me if i had a plan for drugs and i told them to give me anything and everything they could. they said they would call the anesthesiologist for an epidural. they also told me that my water had not, in fact, broken. still not sure what that "pop" was other than a sign from god to GET OUT NOW.
not long after being checked in triage they rolled me down to my delivery room and told me if i ever started feeling more pressure or a feeling to push i needed to tell them right away so they could check me again. not long after getting to my room i told them i felt like i might need to push soon. so they check me and i'm suddenly a 7. at this point the anesthesiologist walks in and asks why they waited so long to call him. that being a 7 he couldn't guarantee that it would work. great. here we go again. they explained to him that i just got there and i was only a 5. you can say the drug dr. wasn't mr. personality but let me tell you, he sells something i want. lucky for me, he is one of the best and was able to get the epidural in just in time and it did work. and it worked quickly. i can't even believe the difference. and honestly, anyone who decides to do this labor thing with no drugs on purpose is straight up retarded. i can speak from personal experience doing it both ways now. jessica, justin and my mom showed up and were in the delivery room with me and dave while we waited out my dilation process (later i was told that we were the funnest patients that our nurse had ever had.) so we're sitting there and justin decided to break my water. he was talking about reece's peanut butter eggs of all things and i let out a laugh and then said "oh crap. my water just broke." basically, you can say that laughter is what brought talan into this world. not a bad way to start out. so i call the nurse in and the family leaves. they check me and say, "you're plus 2, complete. you can push anytime you want." because of the sweet sweet drugs, the pushing process wasn't as quick as it was with hayden (2 pushes) but it was a lot more comfortable. i maybe pushed for about 20 minutes, maybe.
our second son, talan cash skiver, entered this world at 12:22am on monday, april 9th (only 23 minutes after his due date) weighing in at 7 pounds 3 ounces and 21 1/4 inches long. right away we all thought he looked so different from hayden. hayden came out looking identical to me when i was born. we couldn't really put a finger on who talan looked like, but he looked different. maybe it was the newness of him, but given some time we have actually seen quite a bit of hayden in him now.
jessica, justin and mom stayed for awhile with us before heading home for the evening, around 2am. dave and i got as much sleep as we could possibly get in a hospital room. but talan has so far been a wonderful, relaxed, easy going baby. he has rarely cried and when he does, it's a couple of squawks. we aren't banking on him staying this way as we know that hayden was a relatively good baby and then the colic struck. but for now, we are enjoying it. he has now let us sleep through 2 evenings and we're hoping our first nite at home will go as smoothly as the 2 nites in the hospital went.
big brother hayden came to the hospital to visit us yesterday. he knew that mommy was in the hospital but wasn't told that i had the baby. when he got there my dad was holding talan and jenn was holding rainah. we pointed to talan and said "do you know who this is?" and he said "rainah!" and we pointed over to rainah and said, "no, that's rainah, who's this?!" he looked quite confused. the babies in this family are just multiplying. we introduced him to talan and he just said "yes! i'm a big brother now!" not long after, he started running around the room being hayden and not really caring what in the world was happening around him. he didn't really want to hold him or do anything like that, but really only because he had better things to do. why in the world would he want to actually sit?! i think it will take some time for him to really grasp that talan is here to stay. but i think he's going to do far better with it than i initially thought he would.
we were released from the hospital this morning, tuesday, april 10th at around 11:30am. i apologize again for not getting information to everyone. i know many of you got an email saying my water had broken (which turned out to be a lie) and we were headed to the hospital but then got no other info after that. we tried for the past 24 hours to get a internet signal in the hospital and it just didn't happen. when we'd actually get one we would lose it before we were able to get the email out. so thanks for the patience. keep checking this blog as well as hayden's for pictures and posts. soon i'll be adding a link to talan's own page as well.
thanks to everyone for all the well wishes and love. can't wait for you all to meet talan cash.


Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! I love how you asked for every and any drug, and glad that you got to have them this time! Here's to hoping for no colic...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you and can't wait to meet Talan!

Jennifer said...

job well done!
i really wanted to say congratulations but the last two folks said it and i didn't want to be a copy-cat.
jen many

Anonymous said...

What a precious baby!!!
Thank the LORD that all went well and Talan is here. Would love to hold him.

Love you all!!!