Saturday, June 7, 2008

finishing up the big day

so friday after going to the sprinkler park and then going to hayden's new school for the spring fling, we all headed over to grandma and grandpa's to pick up jessica and justin so we could take a trip to cone zone.
because we just hadn't had enough junk to eat at the spring fling, we had to go and get ice cream! we ended up leaving talan with grandma and grandpa so that later on in life he can complain that we never took him anywhere.
with jessica in talan's carseat, we headed off. hayden got a chocolate ice cream cone dipped in sprinkles and did really well eating it. they were melting really quickly, and even though he was a mess, it could have been much worse!
the ice cream was great, and so were the slush puppies. maybe we'll stop off for some cone zone in between the wedding and the reception in august!

yes, they always eat making this face:
the blue is from the snow cone he had earlier:

she made almost as big of a mess as hayden did:
justin wishing there were more sprinkles:

"does it ever end?!":
"here mom, take this. i just can eat anymore":
hayden and justin:
hayden, justin and jessica:

1 comment:

Brickmyers said...

lots of comments from me today:

Cone Zone is a Novi landmark. Nice choice!! Its been years since Ive been. Oh how i miss it.