Saturday, October 24, 2009

19 week ultrasound and 20 week dr. visit

on october 14th we went in for our routine ultrasound. at that point i was just over 19 weeks along. to most people this is a huge day because it is the day they find out what the sex of the baby is. we, however, choose not to find out what we are having until the day it arrives. so the thing i got excited about at this visit was to see if i had the extra fluid this time around or not. oh, and to see the pictures of the baby, of course.
the ultrasound tech told me that at this time the fluid is normal, but that they normally don't see extra fluid this early. i was just about 100% sure they did see the extra fluid at this ultrasound with hayden but wasn't quite as sure if we knew this early with talan.
the baby's leg was basically curled up over it with the foot practically in its mouth. at one point, the tech got a picture of the baby with its mouth open and the foot was right there.
we left the ultrasound feeling good and then i realized she never did really tell us that everything was fine. thank goodness i was going to see the dr. in a week.
so on friday, october 23rd i went in to see dr. hakim for what was my 20 week appointment but i was actually closer to 21 weeks at that point.
he told me that the baby was measuring perfectly normal and said that they had the due date as march 9th vs. march 8th. obviously that's not a big deal, but i'm shooting for the 9th seeing as though this family has so many birthdays on the 9th (mom, jess, me, talan). it would just make it a bit easier for me. so dr. hakim said it sounded good to him and he'd change the date in his chart to the 9th.
i talked with him a bit about the fluid levels and he checked my chart (they only have info on talan, not hayden as we went to a different practice then). he told me that at 22 weeks with talan i did not have the extra fluid. apparently somewhere down the road i started measuring bigger and they sent me in for an ultrasound which then showed the extra fluid. so. he will continue to keep a close eye on it especially since i have had it with both of the boys. although, that does not mean that i will have it this time around.
i pretty much figured i didn't have the extra fluid right now seeing as though i am feeling this baby move A LOT. that and the fact that in 21 weeks i have only gained 4 or 4.5 pounds so far. hooray!!! mom seemed worried about that, but i certainly am not...and the dr. doesn't see to be either.
talan has come with me to the last 2 appointments and does not like it one bit when the dr. walks in, and especially when he has me lay down so we can listen to the heartbeat. i have no idea what talan thinks is going to happen, but he doesn't like it. he tries as hard as he can to get out of his stroller and just cries and yells for me the whole time. we even had a talk about it before we left for the dr.'s office this time around and he told me he wasn't going to cry and seemed to get that i was going to lay down and we would listen to the baby. he's such a liar.
i don't really remember feeling the boys move quite so much this early on. it could be that i just forget or it could be that i actually am a TINY bit more in tune with my body during this pregnancy. i even sometimes feel like i might be feeling braxton hicks contractions which is insane to me. i hope that doesn't mean i'll feel my contractions way earlier in labor than i did with the boys. i like the whole, as soon as i feel a contraction i have about an hour to get to the hospital before the baby jumps out of me, thing.
i'm still feeling good but i do seem to get a lot of headaches lately. so that's pretty annoying. jessica is pretty much convinced that it is a girl because of all of the little differences this time around. for naming sake i hope it's a girl as we actually have a couple of girl names this time around and nothing that we are agreeing on for a boy. with talan it was the opposite. so we shall see.
i head back in to the dr. for my next visit in 4 weeks, so on november 23rd. at least it's right before thanksgiving and not after for the whole weight thing!

face looking right at you:
profile view (leg over the body):

baby trying to eat its foot: