Monday, October 26, 2009

the many faces of pumpkins

as we have for the past several years, we called up tina to ask if she wanted to come over and help us carve our pumpkins on. thankfully she wanted to. dave really does not like carving pumpkins and is very happy to hand his over to tina.
we pulled out some markers and let talan color on the small pumpkin he had picked out at the pumpkin patch and the rest of us got to carving. he did, of course, try to sneak a carving knife or two while we weren't looking, but we avoided any catastrophes.
hayden told dave what kind of face he wanted and then the two of them worked together. his pumpkin was done relatively quickly so dave went and put talan to bed. after awhile, i look over as i realize hayden is still sitting with his pumpkin and i see that he is carving more faces into his pumpkin. there had to be at least least.
i wanted a jack skelton pumpkin from the nightmare before christmas and was able to find a picture online and somewhat copy it. and tina, once again, went off of a pattern from a book. something i have learned not to do because it always ends up taking way longer than i want it to.
all of the pumpkins turned out great...even if tina messed up the spider a little and it ended up looking more like a lobster. i mean, talan was a lobster for his first halloween. it's really the new thing...the halloween lobster.
so we finished carving, cleaned up, lit up the pumpkins and took some pictures. then it was time for hayden to head to bed and for us to make...and eat...pumpkin seeds!
the next morning, hayden helped himself to some pumpkin seeds for breakfast. even talan loved them!

talan quickly got to work on his coloring:
they both would look, but wouldn't touch:

we seriously had to MAKE hayden help clean out the pumpkin. and he hated every minute of it:

hayden's pumpkin after he and dave finished the first part. apparently this is his scary face:

one face just wasn't enough, so hayden went back to carving his masterpiece:

my finished jack:

tina's pumpkin complete with the halloween lobster:

hayden's pumpkin:

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