Saturday, October 31, 2009

halloween 2009

last year hayden was spiderman for halloween. basically, as soon as the nite ended he had decided that the next year he would be batman and then the next year he would be superman. that held through the whole year until about a month or two before halloween when he decided that he wanted to switch superman to this year and batman to next year. so superman he was.
i had a pretty difficult time trying to figure out what to dress talan up as and then stumbled upon some old pictures of hayden in a spider costume that i had completely forgotten about. for awhile i wasn't sure how i felt about repeating costumes, but after not being able to find a super great costume and after seeing that most costumes were $40 or more i decided he would be a spider.
this year was probably the coolest halloween we have had since hayden was born. most years it's been really nice. thankfully it didn't rain at all like it did the entire day before, but it was pretty chilly.
as usual, we rounded up the troups and headed over to mom and dad's house for a chili dinner before heading out to trick or treat with jenn, don and rainah and tina.
rainah didn't make it very long before she just wanted to be pushed around in the stroller, and talan seemed to move even slower than last year. eventually jenn, don and raniah headed back to mom and dad's while hayden ran from house to house and talan slowly tried to catch up.
with about 1/2 hour left of trick or treating, hayden wanted to continue on so dave took talan back to the house while mom, tina, myself and hayden hit up a few more houses.
we got back to the house right around 8pm and hayden immediately dumped out his bag and started asking how much he could eat.
surprisingly all of the kids got into their costumes without any tears or fights and they all seemed to have a fun evening.
i believe hayden told us this was the best halloween EVER (which i think he says every year and at every holiday) and then asked how many more days until the next halloween. well, at least we know what he's going to be.

i love this one:
sexy spiderman:

hayden really had his pose down:

always a project to get a picture of the 3 of them. lots of yelling, screaming, crying, sweating, running. it's not pretty:

shockingly, i got a few somewhat decent pictures of the 2 of them:

grandma showing talan how a pez dispenser works:

rainah the ladybug:

talan lost his pez dispenser in all of the leaves. everyone looked, but nobody could find it. mom and dad found it the next day while raking:
talan was so excited to see you actually get something after saying trick-or-treat. it's so much better than our practice runs!:
talan, hayden and rainah waiting for candy:

hayden's loot:

because candy just isn't enough, there are cookies too!:

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