Monday, October 12, 2009

fireflight and the wutangs invade richland

fireflight is out on the road headlining their own tour right now and they came to richland michigan on saturday. dave had to work but the boys and i drove out after hayden's soccer game to hang with the family and the band and then watch the show later that evening.
talan had been counting down the days and talking non stop about fireflight the entire week. he couldn't wait to see justin and jessica...and fireflight.
we got in around 1:30 and were able to hang out quite a bit with jessica. we also got to spend some time with justin in between him getting ready for the show.
eventually the boys found the nursery (the show was at a church) and were entertained by a room full of toys. so much so that talan kept saying he didn't want to go watch fireflight, he just wanted to play with the toys. we eventually lured him away by telling him fireflight was about to play "stand up", his favorite fireflight song.
before i left our house in the morning, my old jr. high leader from ward, mark huysken, sent me an email stating that he would be at the show with 2 of his daughters and wondered if we would be. i hadn't seen him since i ran into him at meijer back when i went to western....14 years ago!! so it was so great being able to see him and talk to him a between my running after the boys, of course.
fireflight put on a great show, as always, and the boys loved being able to see jess and justin again. when we were heading to the car to leave, talan kept telling jessica "jessca, talan's car." wanting her to come with us. thankfully they will be home soon for a little while. we miss them when they're gone!

jenn and talan before the show. mom bought talan this hat that says "rock nation." talan would say each letter and then say "fireflight!!":
dawn and hayden making balloon animals on jenn's iphone:

no matter where i am standing, i can't ever get pictures of phee. he's always covered by cymbals. i was able to get a few this time:

phee is the man. or as talan now says "phee cuckoo!":

hayden took this one:
and this one:
dawn and hayden after the show:
talan finally getting a chance to play the drums:

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