Sunday, December 6, 2009

dave's 35th birthday

dave turned 35 today. what better way to celebrate than to go to the henry ford museum and check out some legos!
dave and the boys were supposed to go a few weeks ago but the hayden ended up getting sick so they had to postpone. which worked out great since this actually gave dave something fun to do on his actual birthday. we already had his birthday dance bash and the family won't be coming over until wednesday to celebrate, so nothing was really planned on his actual birthday.
dave's parents met us there and got us in to the museum and we headed right for the castle lego exhibit. immediately talan wanted out of his stroller but we kept him in for a little bit so we could look around. i eventually caved and let him out. and then i proceeded to chase him around in circles for the next half hour or so. that kid has NO attention span. he would play with one thing for about 10 seconds and then run to the next. this continued on and on and on.
dave and hayden went around exploring together at what i can only assume was a much more easy going pace.
dave's parents left after a bit and we decided to try to walk around the museum for a bit. the boys slowly started to unravel as talan missed his nap and hayden just likes to not listen. so we decided we better head out.
it wasn't a big surprise that they both fell asleep pretty quickly once they got in the car. dave decided on papa john's pizza for dinner so we headed to pick it up and then home to eat.
hayden was thrilled that we ate dinner so early so that he had "lot's of time to play" before bedtime. after cleaning up the basement, the three boys sat down at the train table, which is usually used as a lego table, and built all sorts of things.
it was a long and busy day, but i think all of us ended up having a lot of fun.
happy 35th birthday, dave! we love you!!!!

hayden LOVED the maze:
and talan LOVED the windmill:

he would run over and stand next to things like he wanted his picture taken, but then he'd never look at the camera. seconds later, he'd be off to the next thing:
this might have been talan's favorite part. when you lift the keys, it would make groaning sounds and lights would flash:
building with the giant legos:

hayden trying to build a wall and knock it down:


they didn't quite get the concept of this tv thing. talan would move to far from the green screen so we couldn't see him on the tv. hayden just got shy and weird. and people kept pressing buttons so they couldn't just rock out to a song:
dave doing some teaching. and the boys actually seemed interested. i was glad i had my camera...that kept me interested:

the boys:
hayden seeing how much power he could generate:
he got up to 1:
dave got up to at least 10:
hayden refused to have his picture taken in front of the wiener mobile because he had tears in his eyes as we were leaving early after a non-listening episode:
talan the hot dog. from what dave tells me, the last time they were there, talan HATED it. this time, he liked it but only stayed in long enough for this picture:
and he's off to something new:
here, talan was taking a bite out of hayden the hot dog:

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