Thursday, December 31, 2009

our 2009 new years eve party

so we are really big party animals around here. especially when new years eve rolls around. one year i remember, even BEFORE having kids, dave and i were playing pass the pigs at home.
so this year we decided to get even crazier and we babysat isaac gregg so his mom and dad could go out. we were actually more than happy to do so since we had no plans and we love isaac!
my friend sunni, her husband james and their daughter imogen also came over for a couple of hours earlier in the evening for a visit since they were in from england.
we ate pizza, played with some kids and dave was asleep by about 11...maybe earlier.
the boys all had a lot of fun together. we were too busy partying so hard that i only got a few pictures. but they are cute pictures.

hayden, isaac and talan:

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