Tuesday, December 29, 2009

rainah's 3rd birthday

christmas is over which means it's now time for the craziness of birthdays. we celebrated jessica's birthday the day after christmas since they won't be here on the 9th. and then today we all drove out to grand rapids to help rainah celebrate her 3rd birthday.
her theme this year was an owl theme and jenn did a great job! rainah got some new games for her leapster, a doll house and a new kitchen set. after the presents were all opened, everyone headed to the kitchen to sing happy birthday and eat cake.
the kids headed downstairs to play for a bit before we had to head home. jessica and justin had to get back for a hair cut and more packing as they are leaving tomorrow morning for 3 months and i had to get back to get some things done for hayden's party.
we had a great time and were glad we could be there to help rainah celebrate. i can't believe she's 3 already!
happy birthday, rainah! we love you!!

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