Saturday, December 19, 2009

sugar with a little bit of cookie

hayden has always loved going to grandma's around christmas time to help make the sugar cookies. last year i left talan behind figuring he'd be more trouble than help. i figured the same would go for this year, but decided to bring him along anyway. jessica also came along for the fun while dave and justin went and did guy stuff, or something like that.
hayden had a great time helping to cut the cookies out and decorate them. i believe he did a much better job this year than in years past. and at first, talan was doing a great job with just putting little bits of sprinkles on the cookies until he realized more is way better (and i agree!)
hayden helped out for a good half of it before deciding he wanted to go play. talan was up and down the whole time, which meant a whole lot of hand washing.
eventually he was allowed to help cut the cookies out of the dough which lead to dough on his fingers which lead to him licking his fingers which lead to more hand washing.
in the end, the cookies turned out great (totally to my liking...soft and tons of sprinkles. mom's, not so much.) and we can't wait to go over and eat more of them!!!

talan's new "smile":

talan's first pan of cookies:
hayden's first pan:

hayden picking out the one with the most sprinkles. he totally stole the one i wanted:

time for talan's cookie break:

talan back to work:
some of the finished product:

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