Friday, July 9, 2010

a day at the cincinnati zoo

the boys actually slept in this morning after having a busy day and late nite last nite.
we had decided since we drove this whole way we might as well make it into a mini vacation. so before we headed back home, we checked out of the hotel and drove to the cincinnati zoo. i always hear great things about this zoo and haven't been since i was in jr. high so we decided to bring the kids.
it was another really warm and sticky day, and london still was the greatest baby ever. she spent yet another day in her car seat while we pushed her around in the stroller.
when we first got to the zoo it started to POUR. we had just gotten inside and we were able to duck under an awning of a store until the storm passed.
we walked around for quite awhile before we had lunch and then went to see a 4-d movie. it was a movie with 3-d plus things you could feel and smell. neither one of the boys were really into freaked them out a little bit too much. but it only lasted about 15 minutes. talan pretty much kept his glasses off the whole time and hayden said "OUCH!" every time something poked his chair. dad was holding london who apparently was starting to fall asleep but every time she'd almost be out, water would spray her and wake her back up.
after the movie we walked around a bit more and then headed out. we stopped by an ice cream place to use some gift cards that a friend of dave's gave us. it was SOOO good. and then we loaded back into the car and drove back home.
we got in at around 10 or 10:30 and the boys went right to bed. it was a busy 2 days, but we had lots of fun.
thanks to mom and dad for helping to make these 2 days SO much easier on us! you guys are always such a huge help!!!

hayden and talan ready for the zoo:
a funny group of pics of the three wutang kids:

this, of course, is the most real one:
the boys both got to feed a giraffe:

hayden learning about snakes:

talan didn't want to get TOO close:
a hedgehog:

a turtle:

and another snake:
we went into the petting farm but neither of the boys really wanted to pet any of the animals:

this gorilla was bored with us:
this is pretty much london in a nutshell:
she LOVES to eat her feet:

talan and dave ready for the 4-d movie:
dad, mom and hayden can't wait:
carousal time:

the boys and some manatee:

on the train:

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