Friday, July 23, 2010

tiger game: take 1

dave had been given 4 tiger tickets from one of his suppliers at work. we had decided we would take mom and dad and have tina come and watch the kids.
jenn ended up having to go to the hospital to have the stop contractions she was having at only about 33 weeks, so mom headed out there to help out. she ended up having to stay in the hospital for a week and then was sent home on bedrest.
mom is still out there helping out, so we had to come up with a different plan. we decided to take hayden instead.
it started raining a little bit on our drive to comerica park but once we were there, it was pouring. we waited for awhile, hoping for the best, and hayden played a few games. hayden kept asking for peanuts and a drink so he and i took off to find some. when we finally got the peanuts, we headed back toward dad and dave and saw the scoreboard announcing that the game was postponed and would be played on sunday evening.
hayden was bummed but we told him we would probably be back on's birthday. as we headed out, the rain had pretty much stopped. we went to eat at a mexican restaurant downtown and then headed back home. the rain had totally stopped and there was plenty of blue sky up ahead.
guess we'll have to try again on sunday!

hayden and dave ready for the tiger game...shortly before it started to pour:
hayden. he hasn't been to a tiger game since he was about 2 years old:

trying to hit some balls:

when we got in, this is what the scoreboard said:
about an hour later, this is what it said:

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