Wednesday, July 28, 2010

the five kids

it was a short trip, but we had to get going back home. we hung out for most of the day and even had an all kids photo shoot.
talan keeps forgetting gunnar's name and when asked what it was he said "squirter" it was awesome and i hope it sticks!
we are planning on coming back out in about 2 weeks to spend some time at the beach and to see fireflight play in muskegon. don't grow too much while we're away, gunnar!!!

hayden and gunnar:

talan and squirter:

the boys and their new baby BOY cousin!:
oh great. now there are FIVE kids we need to have looking at the camera?! this is what happens:

i know this is a bad picture, but it cracks me up:
talan wanted to hold london:
justin and jessica's photo op with gunnar before they head home:

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