Thursday, July 29, 2010

play date at the pool

today was the perfect day for a play date at miss bev's house. so karissa favazza and i packed up the kids and headed over to bev's pool. cobian and greysen were great little swimmers and hayden loved playing with cobian. talan pretty much played on the step, as usual.
after awhile, karrisa headed home but we decided to stay awhile longer. jess and justin stopped over to hang out for awhile and then talan started becoming a bit adventurous. he put some floaties on and ventured off of the top step, allowing justin and myself to hold him in the water. he became even braver and was having a blast letting justin spin him around in the water. and then, i was able to let go of him and he swam on his own for a few seconds. and then that was enough of that. baby steps.
we had a great time with the favazza's and then with the cox's. the pool is hayden's most favorite place to be and we're so thankful that bev let's us come over to use hers!

cobian and hayden:

cobian, hayden and talan:
greysen taking a break:
brave talan taking a ride on justin:

london and jessica:
this is what baby oil is for, right?! jessica showin' london how it's done:
hayden having fun with diving masks:

talan had enough of the swimming lesson with justin:

talan swimming by himself!:

justin and london:
little puppy read to go home:

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