Sunday, July 25, 2010

happy birthday, tiger

our rained out tiger game from the other nite was postponed until tonite, which was also dad's birthday.
mom is still in grand rapids staying with jenn who is on bedrest but jessica and justin just got into town, so we had a little birthday gathering before the tiger game. we all took dad out to dinner at red robin and then headed back to our house where he opened some presents. everyone was still stuffed from dinner so we decided to wait to eat the cake until after we got home from the game.
justin was actually a bit disappointed in the cake, as he wanted me to make a giant mustache cake. but instead it was just a round chocolate cake with mom's white icing.
after the birthday party, dad, dave, hayden and i all headed over to detroit to try to catch a ballgame while justica stayed at our place to watch talan and london.
it turned out to be a beautiful, perfect nite for a baseball game and we had great seats. hayden was most excited about all of the food options he had and thought he could pretty much have whatever he wanted. he ended up eating a frozen lemonade, peanuts, a hot dog, nachos....the list goes on. he actually did get pretty into the game which surprised me. i figured he'd be bored within about 10 minutes. he liked trash talking the other team which was funny stuff.
hayden was bummed that the firework display that was set for the original game didn't happen tonite, but the tigers ended up winning which partly made up for it.
it was a fun evening out and we were glad we were able to celebrate dad's birthday as well.
happy birthday, dad!!!

after everyone was full from red robin (and the birthday sundae they brought out to dad...minus the singing) everyone came back to our place so dad could open his gifts:
new stuff for his new gas grill:
talan and dad:
the tiger game. take 2:

hayden and dad:

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